Jeans are available in dozens of styles, one of which is carpenter. Carpenter jeans are made of the same cotton-based denim as most other jeans, but they are designed with a few unique features that distinguish them from the rest. They are known as “carpenter jeans” because they are frequently worn by construction workers and carpenters. Even if you don’t work in one of these professions, though, you should still consider wearing carpenter jeans. Below are seven reasons to wear carpenter jeans, some of which may surprise you.
#1) Superior Strength and Durability
Carpenter jeans are both strong and durable. As previously mentioned, they are frequently worn by construction workers and carpenters, many of whom work laborious jobs. Constructions workers and carpenters prefer carpenter jeans over traditional jeans because of their long-lasting qualities. Carpenter jeans are strong and durable, allowing these blue-collared workers to comfortably wear them for long periods.
You can take advantage of these same benefits by including carpenter jeans in your daily outfits. Carpenter jeans don’t degrade as quickly as other types of jeans. They are designed with an emphasis on strength and durability, thereby protecting them from premature wear and tear. If you’re tired of buying new jeans, only to find out that they’ve become damaged just a few months afterward, perhaps carpenter jeans are the answer to your problem.
#2) Carrying Loops
You can easily carry tools, as well as other small items, on your carpenter jeans. When comparing traditional jeans to carpenter jeans, you’ll probably notice that the latter have loops, whereas the former do not. Some carpenter jeans have a single loop on the side, whereas others have two or more loops.
Regardless, you can use these loops to carry small items. Professional construction workers and carpenters, for instance, often use them to carry hammers. Rather than wearing a tool belt, you can slide the bottom of a hammer through the top of a carrying loop on your carpenter jeans. The hammer’s head will catch the top of the carrying loop, thereby preventing it from falling all the way through.
#3) Deep Pockets
Not only do they feature carrying loops, but carpenter jeans have exceptionally deep pockets as well. All jeans have pockets; it’s a feature that’s become synonymous with jeans and other denim trousers. Carpenter jeans, however, are designed with deeper pockets than most other types of jeans and denim trousers.
With their deep pockets, carpenter jeans allow you to store and carry more items. Carpenter jeans have a similar pocket configuration as other types of jeans and denim trousers. Instead of shallow pockets, though, they have deep pockets. Whether you’re wearing them for leisure or work, you can take advantage of their deep pockets.
#4) Comfort
We can’t talk about the benefits of wearing carpenter jeans without mentioning comfort. Granted, all jeans are comfortable. After all, jeans are made of denim, which is a form of cotton that features a specific weaving pattern. Most people will agree, however, that carpenter jeans are more comfortable to wear than types of jeans.
Carpenter jeans are incredibly comfortable for two main reasons. First, they are designed with softer denim than other types of jeans. They are still made of cotton-based denim, but it’s a softer and gentler denim than that of other types of jeans. Second, carpenter jeans are designed to fit loosely when worn. They don’t sit tightly against your body. Rather, carpenter jeans have a loose, baggy construction. With their super-soft denim and loose-fitted construction, carpenter jeans are incredibly comfortable to wear — even for long and extended periods.

#5) Pre-Shrunk
Many carpenter jeans are available in pre-shrunk styles. What are pre-shrunk carpenter jeans exactly? As the name suggests, they are intentionally shrunk during production. The carpenter jeans are submerged in a bath of hot water, which causes the denim material to contract and shrink.
With pre-shrunk carpenter jeans, you don’t have to worry about them shrinking to a smaller size after you wash and dry them. Garments often shrink when washed and dried. Shrinkage is a byproduct of heat exposure. When a garment is exposed to hot water or hot air, the material from which it’s made will contract. Pre-shrunk carpenter jeans don’t suffer from this flaw since they are intentionally shrunk during production.
#6) Easy to Maintain
Carpenter jeans are also easy to maintain. While it’s possible to get them dry cleaned, this isn’t necessary. Carpenter jeans are machine washable, meaning you can clean them in the washing machine along with your other garments.
Prior to washing your carpenter jeans, it’s recommended that you check the care tag for specific instructions. Care tags provide instructions on how to wash, dry and otherwise maintain them. Nonetheless, you’ll probably discover that it’s safe to clean your carpenter jeans in the washing machine. Just remember to use the cold water setting so that they are exposed to heat. Even if your carpenter jeans are pre-shrunk, it’s a good idea to minimize their exposure to heat.
#7) Variety of Colors and Styles
With carpenter jeans, you’ll have the freedom to choose from a number of different colors and styles. Carpenter jeans aren’t designed in a single color or a single style. They are available in many different colors and styles.
Traditional carpenter jeans often feature a light blue color in a baggy and loose-fitted style. With that said, you aren’t restricted to choosing this single type. Maybe you prefer an alternative color like black, or perhaps you want a more tight-fitted construction. Regardless, carpenter jeans are available in a wide variety of colors and styles, allowing you to express yourself through the use of fashion.
You can even order custom-sized carpenter jeans when buying them at MakeYourOwnJeans. All our jeans come with custom sizing, and carpenter jeans are no exception. With a pair of custom-sized carpenter jeans, you can rest assured knowing that they won’t be too small or too big. Assuming you submit the correct body measurements, your carpenter jeans will fit perfectly.