9 Tips to Prevent Your Jeans from Stretching

9 Tips to Prevent Your Jeans from Stretching

It’s frustrating when you buy a pair of new jeans, only to discover they’ve stretched several inches in the waist or length after just a few months. If they originally fit your body perfectly, perhaps now they are too big. While you can always wear a belt to keep your jeans around your waist, overstretched jeans such as this aren’t particularly attractive (nor are they comfortable). So, what steps can you take to protect your jeans from stretching?

#1) Choose Quality Denim Jeans

The keyword here being “quality.” Far too many stores sell jeans made of low-quality denim, and unfortunately these jeans don’t offer the same level of protection from stretching as their higher quality counterpart. If you want to protect your jeans from stretching, choose quality over quantity. A pair of high-quality denim jeans will withstand normal use, reducing the risk of shrinkage or stretching.

#2) Use Caution When Getting Dressed

When you’re running late for work, you probably throw on your clothes without spending too much time or giving it much attention. In doing so, however, you may inadvertently stretch your jeans. Attempting to force your heel or leg through the leg opening, for instance, may stretch the denim fabric. And once it’s stretched, it won’t return to its original state (unless they are stretch jeans). This is why it’s a good idea to take your time and use caution when getting dressed, especially if you want your jeans to last.

#3) Wash in Cold Water

Going back to the basics of high school chemistry, heat causes things to expand, whereas cold causes things to contract. Based on this principle, it’s safe to assume that washing your jeans in cold water will naturally protect them from stretching. If the water is too hot, it will change the integrity of the denim, making it stretch out. So, try to get into the habit of washing your denim jeans in cold water. Some people assume that cold water isn’t as effective at cleaning stains as hot water, but this isn’t necessarily true. Cold water is equally as effective, and unlike hot water, it doesn’t promote stretching.

#4) Choose the Right Size

In addition to choosing high-quality jeans, you should also choose the right size. How exactly will this protect your jeans from stretching? Well, if your jeans are too small, you may end up stretching them when getting dressed. The problem, however, is finding the right fit. You can spend countless hour shopping at dozens of different apparel stores, only to come away empty-handed. Assuming you order your jeans here at MakeYourOwnJeans, you can specify your own measurements when checking out, which we’ll use to create the perfect pair of fitted jeans. Just be sure to include your body measurements when ordering. Custom sizing is offered at no additional charge, helping to connect you with the perfect fit.


#5) Line-Dry

Some fashion experts recommend line-drying your jeans to prevent them from stretching. Once your jeans are finished washing (in cold water), transfer them to a line for drying. If you don’t have a clothes line, you can always your bathroom shower curtain rod instead. The shower curtain rod won’t hold as much as a dedicated clothes line, but if you only need to dry a few pairs of jeans, it’s the perfect alternative. Line-drying is a less invasive method for drying clothes. Not only will reduce wear and tear, but line-drying also protects against stretching, making it the preferred method among many men and women.

#6) Don’t Wear Suspenders

While not as popular as they once were, suspenders are still a viable alternative to wearing a belt. They are designed to keep your pants in place by securing them to your shirt. But wearing suspenders may have an unwanted side effect: stretching your pants. If you wear them too tight, the suspenders will pull the jeans up, causing them to stretch. Therefore, it’s best to stick with a traditional belt if you’re worried about your jeans stretching. Normally, suspenders won’t cause jeans or other pants to stretch, but you have to ask yourself if it’s really worth the risk. Wearing a belt is an easier, safer and all-around better solution to keep your pants up.

#7) Fold When Storing

When storing your jeans, it’s recommended that you fold them instead of hanging them. Folding your jeans allows you to define the creases, while also reducing the risk of stretching.

#8) Consider Stretch Denim

If your jeans have a tendency to stretch, consider choosing stretch denim jeans instead of traditional denim. Stretch jeans are made of both regular denim and an elastic material like polyester or spandex. The use of an elastic material allows the jeans to stretch temporarily while still reverting back to their original shape and size. So, if you happen to pull or otherwise stretch them, they’ll simply go back to their original state; thus, protecting the jeans from damage. Stretch jeans have become a popular choice for this reason. Furthermore, some may argue that stretch jeans are even more comfortable to wear then traditional jeans. Whether true or not, you should consider trying stretch jeans to see if they work for you. After all, the only way you’ll know is by trying them for yourself.

#9) Use a Hair Dryer to ‘Restore’ the Shape

But what if your jeans have already stretched? Before donating them to charity, try using a hair dryer to restore their original shape. If your jeans are stretched, you may be able to “unstretch” them using a hair dryer. Simply run the hair dryer across the stretched area of denim fabric for a few minutes, after which it should begin to shrink. This won’t work in all cases, though many people have reported success when using this method.

These are just a few tips that can help protect your jeans from stretching.

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