Should You Wash Jeans Inside Out?

Should You Wash Jeans Inside Out?

You can’t expect to keep your jeans clean and stain-free without washing them. Like all garments, jeans will collect dirt and debris. If left unchecked, the presence of these foreign substances can cause unsightly stains to develop. Washing your jeans, of course, offers an easy and effective way to clean them. Before tossing them in the washing machine, though, you may want to turn your jeans inside out. It only takes a minute to turn a pair of jeans inside out, but doing so offers several benefits that you can’t ignore. Prevents Fasteners From Snagging Turning your jeans inside out before washing them will prevent the fasteners from snagging. All jeans have fasteners. Some of them have buttons on the fly, whereas others have a zipper on the fly. There are even jeans with both a zipper and buttons on the fly. Regardless, these fasteners can snag on your jeans or on other garments in the washing machine. Fasteners like zippers and buttons are found on the outside of jeans. No matter what type of fasteners your jeans have, you can find them on the outside — specifically on the fly. If you don’t turn your jeans inside out before washing them, the fasteners may snag on your jeans or on other garments in the washing machine. This can lead to serious damage that’s difficult or even impossible to repair without the services of a professional tailor. Fortunately, you can prevent fasteners from snagging by turning your jeans inside out before washing them. Preserves the Color of Raw Denim Jeans Assuming your jeans are made of raw denim —...
7 Myths About Washing and Maintaining Jeans Debunked

7 Myths About Washing and Maintaining Jeans Debunked

While durable, jeans aren’t immune to stains. They can develop stains just like most other garments when exposed to a colored liquid or substance. To preserve your jeans, you’ll need to wash and maintain them. Washing and maintaining your jeans may sound like a simple enough process, but many people take the wrong approach. Below are seven common myths about washing and maintaining jeans that you shouldn’t fall for. #1) The Detergent Doesn’t Matter When washing your jeans, you may assume that the type of detergent you use doesn’t matter. Detergent is the cleaning substance that will lift dirt and debris out of your jeans, resulting in a cleaner appearance. With that said, there are different types of detergent, some of which are better for jeans than others. You should typically avoid washing your jeans with powder detergent. Instead, use liquid detergent. Liquid detergent is gentler than powder detergent. When washing your jeans with powder detergent, the abrasive powder particles can degrade them. Some of the powder may, in fact, get stuck in the zipper or fly where it prevents your jeans from fastening properly. You can avoid these problems by washing your jeans with liquid detergent. #2) Always Safe to Wash With Other Colors Your jeans may not or may not be safe to wash with other colors. Some jeans are known to bleed their colors — especially when washed for the first time. Jeans made of raw denim, for instance, often bleed when washed for the first time. Raw denim is defined by its unwashed construction. Therefore, washing a pair of raw denim jeans for the first...
Jean Shorts: How to Find the Perfect Pair for Your Body

Jean Shorts: How to Find the Perfect Pair for Your Body

Jeans are known for offering year-round usage. You can wear them during the spring, summer, fall and winter months — all while projecting a stylish appearance. When it’s hot outside, though, many people prefer shorts over full-length trousers. Jean shorts offer a solution. Also known as denim shorts, they are made of the same denim material as traditional jeans but without fully extending to your ankles when worn. If you’re thinking about buying a pair of jean shorts, you should consider the following tips. Check the Rise You should check the rise when shopping for a pair of jean shorts. All jeans, as well as jean shorts, have a rise. The rise refers to the area of your waist where they sit when worn. There are low-rise jean shorts that live up to their namesake by sitting low on your waist when worn, and there are high-rise jean shorts that sit higher on your waist when worn. Of course, there are also mid-rise jean shorts that fall somewhere in the middle. They don’t sit particularly high, nor do they sit particularly low. Rather, mid-rise jean shorts sit directly on your waist to provide a stylish appearance and a comfortable fit. You can choose jean shorts in either of these three rise types; just remember to choose a rise that matches your personal preference. Standard vs Cargo Jean shorts are available in standard and cargo styles. Standard jean shorts are those that have a traditional pocket configuration. Most of them have four pockets: two on the front and two on the back. Cargo jean shorts, on the other hand, have...
Boyfriend Jeans Guide: What Are Boyfriend Jeans and How To Wear Them?

Boyfriend Jeans Guide: What Are Boyfriend Jeans and How To Wear Them?

Although the name would suggest otherwise, “boyfriend” jeans are actually designed for women, not men. If that has you scratching your head and asking: what are boyfriend jeans? – don’t worry, your not the first one. It’s just a name and they are meant for you. They offer the perfect combination of traditional style with a modern touch to create a truly remarkable appearance.  Whether you are a fashionista or not, you should have little-to-no problem creating a magnificent look with a pair of boyfriend jeans. Assuming this is your first time hearing about this style of jeans, however, you might be wondering what makes them different from traditional jeans. Well, today we’re going to tackle this question, revealing the characteristics and features of boyfriend jeans. Boyfriend Jeans: the Basics Some people assume that boyfriend jeans are intended for use by men, but this isn’t necessarily true. On the contrary, they are intended for use by women. While some manufacturers and fashion companies may have their own definition for the term, boyfriend jeans typically refers to a special type of denim jeans that look and feel like a pair of men’s jeans after they’ve been worn in.  Before they were invented, women would often borrow their boyfriend’s jeans to wear. This spawned a new era of denim in which manufacturers began to mimic the characteristics of these worn-in jeans but designed them for women instead of men. Benefits of Choosing Boyfriend Jeans Of course, there are several key benefits to choosing boyfriend jeans over traditional denim jeans, one of which is the increased comfort and softness. As mentioned above,...
What Are the Best Jeans for Kids?

What Are the Best Jeans for Kids?

As a parent, you probably want the best clothes for your son or daughter. Jeans, of course, are available in kids’ sizes. You can order a pair of kids’ jeans to provide a high-level of comfort, as well as aesthetics, for your son or daughter. There are many different types of kids’ jeans, however, some of which are better than others. What are the best jeans for kids exactly? Lightweight Denim Construction Like with adult jeans, the weight of kids’ jeans can vary. Some of them have a heavyweight denim construction, whereas others have a lightweight denim construction. Of those two types, you should consider choosing the latter. Your son or daughter will experience a higher level of comfort if his or her jeans have a lightweight denim construction. Lightweight denim often weighs around 7 ounces. In comparison, heavyweight denim can weigh over 10 ounces. With a lightweight denim construction, kids’ jeans are more comfortable to wear for long periods. Dark Color When shopping for kids’ jeans, you should consider choosing a dark color. Not all kids’ jeans feature a light blue or indigo color. While light blue and indigo are the most common colors in which jeans are made — including kids’ jeans — you can find them in dozens of other colors. Rather than a light color, though, you may want to choose kids’ jeans in a dark color. With a dark color, kids’ jeans are able to conceal stains more easily. They can still develop stains. No garment is completely immune to stains, and kids’ jeans are no exception. The good news is that a dark...
Custom Jeans: Everything You Need to Know

Custom Jeans: Everything You Need to Know

Jeans come in many different types. In addition to standard jeans, there are custom jeans. Custom jeans are made of the same high-quality denim as their standard counterparts, and you can find them in many of the same colors. The difference, of course, is that they are customized. If you’re looking to buy a new pair of jeans, you should consider choosing custom jeans. To learn more about custom jeans, keep reading. What Are Custom Jeans? Custom jeans are those that are customized based on your specifications. You can provide your design specifications to the store or manufacturer when ordering them. The store or manufacturer will then use these specifications to design a pair of custom jeans. As you may know, most jeans aren’t customized. When shopping at a traditional apparel store, you won’t have the option of providing your design specifications. Rather, you’ll be limited to choosing a pair of standard jeans on display. Custom jeans are different. They are made by the store or manufacturer using your design specifications. In other words, the store or manufacturer will “customize” a pair of jeans on your behalf by using your design specifications. Benefits of Custom Jeans Custom jeans are typically of higher quality than standard jeans. They feature premium denim that’s stitched together with a superior level of craftsmanship. The end result is higher quality that’s not found in standard jeans. Most custom jeans last for a very long time. Research shows that most standard jeans last for about a year. After owning a pair of standard jeans for a year, you may have to replace them due to...