When properly cared for, a good pair of denim jeans can last for years. Over time, though, it’s not uncommon for denim to fade and lose its natural “luster.” Even if they were originally a dark indigo blue when you first purchased them, they may now have more a faded, light-blue tone. The good news is that you can often dye your jeans to revitalize their color and vigor. All it takes is a few basic supplies and a little bit of your spare time.
Before we start, it’s important to note that your jeans will be one solid color after they are dyed. If they currently have patches where the fabric is lighter and more faded than other areas, these will be eliminated once they are dyed. Dying creates a uniform color that affected the entirety of the jeans. With that said, the stitching should remain white (or whatever color it currently is), as most denim manufacturers use polyester for the stitching instead of cotton.
To get started, you’ll first need to purchase a few things. This includes 1 pack of navy blue or indigo-colored dye, 1 pack of black-colored dye, a pair of latex gloves (trust me, you don’t want to get dye on your hands), and a large bucket. When you are ready to proceed, place the gloves on your hands and fill the bucket about 3/4 of the way full with hot water. Don’t make the mistake of using cold water, as it won’t penetrate as easily through the denim fabrics. Hot water, on the other hand, allows the dye to settle into the denim, creating a fuller and all-around better dyeing process.
Next, pour the complete bottle of navy blue dye into the bucket and half of the black dye. The combination of 1 navy and 1/2 black will create an ideal color for your jeans. After mixing the dye throughout, place your jeans inside and push them to the bottom. It’s important to note that your jeans need to be completely submerged for the dye to work; otherwise, some areas will be lighter than others. If necessary, add more water to the bucket. Wait about half an hour and your jeans should be finished dying! You can then either wash and dry them or just dry them.